деревня Великие Прусы Тимковичская волость, Слуцкий уезд, Минская губерния. ID 37912

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Комментарии 3

Скивицкие. Жители деревни Великие Пруссы. С конца 19 века точно прослеживается история Скивицких в Великих Пруссах.
1894 год рождения моей прабабушки - Скивицкая Пелагея Антоновна
Power washing is a great way to prevent deterioration to commercial building facades. By reducing the damage and deterioration caused by mildew, mildew, and dirt buildup, building exteriors remain in excellent condition. Consistent power washing eliminates impurities that might cause structural damage and ruin building materials. This preventative maintenance helps preserve the integrity and condition of the property, decreasing the necessity for expensive fixes and replacements. Furthermore, a tidy exterior boosts the attractiveness of the company, leading it to be more appealing to visitors and visitors. By implementing power washing, property owners will preserve their properties and make sure they stay in excellent shape. If you are interested, feel free to check out my residential and commercial pressure cleaning webpage to learn more.

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