НашиПредки. FamilySearch : Микрофильм : 2201896

Микрофильм 2201896 (номер при оцифровке 005371276) доступен по ссылке https://www.familysearch.org/search/film/005371276.
Микрофильм включен в следующие коллекции/каталоги:

Каталог Раздел
Ревизские сказки, 1744-1895 Items: Volume 312-4/14523 Alphabetical list of the 5th revision for Kalyazin district 1800 -- Volume 312-4/14498 Alphabetical list of the 5th revision for Ostashkov district 1794-1808 -- Volume 312-4/14499 Alphabetical list of the 5th revision for Staritsa district 1794 -- Volume 312-4/14500 Alphabetical list of the 5th revision for Tver district 1794-1808 -- Volume 312-4/14501 Alphabetical list of the 5th revision for Bezhetsk district 1811 -- Volume 312-4/14504 Alphabetical list of the 6th revision for Kalyazin district 1811 -- Volume 312-4/14503 Alphabetical list of the 6th revision for Kashin district 1811 -- Volume 312-4/14505 Alphabetical list of the 6th revision for Korcheva district 1811
Ревизские сказки : Бежецк (уезд), 1745-1858 Items: Volume 312-4/14523 Alphabetical list of the 5th revision for Kalyazin district 1800 -- Volume 312-4/14498 Alphabetical list of the 5th revision for Ostashkov district 1794-1808 -- Volume 312-4/14499 Alphabetical list of the 5th revision for Staritsa district 1794 -- Volume 312-4/14500 Alphabetical list of the 5th revision for Tver district 1794-1808 -- Volume 312-4/14501 Alphabetical list of the 5th revision for Bezhetsk district 1811 -- Volume 312-4/14504 Alphabetical list of the 6th revision for Kalyazin district 1811 -- Volume 312-4/14503 Alphabetical list of the 6th revision for Kashin district 1811 -- Volume 312-4/14505 Alphabetical list of the 6th revision for Korcheva district 1811
Ревизские сказки : Калязин (уезд), 1762-1874 Items: Volume 312-4/14523 Alphabetical list of the 5th revision for Kalyazin district 1800 -- Volume 312-4/14498 Alphabetical list of the 5th revision for Ostashkov district 1794-1808 -- Volume 312-4/14499 Alphabetical list of the 5th revision for Staritsa district 1794 -- Volume 312-4/14500 Alphabetical list of the 5th revision for Tver district 1794-1808 -- Volume 312-4/14501 Alphabetical list of the 5th revision for Bezhetsk district 1811 -- Volume 312-4/14504 Alphabetical list of the 6th revision for Kalyazin district 1811 -- Volume 312-4/14503 Alphabetical list of the 6th revision for Kashin district 1811 -- Volume 312-4/14505 Alphabetical list of the 6th revision for Korcheva district 1811
Ревизские сказки : Корчева (уезд), 1782-1873 Items: Volume 312-4/14523 Alphabetical list of the 5th revision for Kalyazin district 1800 -- Volume 312-4/14498 Alphabetical list of the 5th revision for Ostashkov district 1794-1808 -- Volume 312-4/14499 Alphabetical list of the 5th revision for Staritsa district 1794 -- Volume 312-4/14500 Alphabetical list of the 5th revision for Tver district 1794-1808 -- Volume 312-4/14501 Alphabetical list of the 5th revision for Bezhetsk district 1811 -- Volume 312-4/14504 Alphabetical list of the 6th revision for Kalyazin district 1811 -- Volume 312-4/14503 Alphabetical list of the 6th revision for Kashin district 1811 -- Volume 312-4/14505 Alphabetical list of the 6th revision for Korcheva district 1811
Ревизские сказки : Осташков (уезд), 1779-1859 Items: Volume 312-4/14523 Alphabetical list of the 5th revision for Kalyazin district 1800 -- Volume 312-4/14498 Alphabetical list of the 5th revision for Ostashkov district 1794-1808 -- Volume 312-4/14499 Alphabetical list of the 5th revision for Staritsa district 1794 -- Volume 312-4/14500 Alphabetical list of the 5th revision for Tver district 1794-1808 -- Volume 312-4/14501 Alphabetical list of the 5th revision for Bezhetsk district 1811 -- Volume 312-4/14504 Alphabetical list of the 6th revision for Kalyazin district 1811 -- Volume 312-4/14503 Alphabetical list of the 6th revision for Kashin district 1811 -- Volume 312-4/14505 Alphabetical list of the 6th revision for Korcheva district 1811
Ревизские сказки : Старица (уезд), 1763-1858 Items: Volume 312-4/14523 Alphabetical list of the 5th revision for Kalyazin district 1800 -- Volume 312-4/14498 Alphabetical list of the 5th revision for Ostashkov district 1794-1808 -- Volume 312-4/14499 Alphabetical list of the 5th revision for Staritsa district 1794 -- Volume 312-4/14500 Alphabetical list of the 5th revision for Tver district 1794-1808 -- Volume 312-4/14501 Alphabetical list of the 5th revision for Bezhetsk district 1811 -- Volume 312-4/14504 Alphabetical list of the 6th revision for Kalyazin district 1811 -- Volume 312-4/14503 Alphabetical list of the 6th revision for Kashin district 1811 -- Volume 312-4/14505 Alphabetical list of the 6th revision for Korcheva district 1811

Содержимое микрофильма

На данном микрофильме полностью или частично содержатся снимки документов из следующих архивных дел:

Архивный шифр Заголовок архивного дела
31 ГАТО (Тверь), ф. 312, о. 4, д. 14498 Алфавитный список 5 - й ревизии по Осташковскому уезду 1794-1808 гг.
87 ГАТО (Тверь), ф. 312, о. 4, д. 14499
121 ГАТО (Тверь), ф. 312, о. 4, д. 14500
284 ГАТО (Тверь), ф. 312, о. 4, д. 14501
496 ГАТО (Тверь), ф. 312, о. 4, д. 14503
394 ГАТО (Тверь), ф. 312, о. 4, д. 14504
757 ГАТО (Тверь), ф. 312, о. 4, д. 14505
1 ГАТО (Тверь), ф. 312, о. 4, д. 14523

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